Nurse's Office
Harmony Elementary School's Nurse is Mrs. Jeanne Trotta, RN, BSN, CSN
Email Nurse Trotta -
Nurse's Office Number - (732) 671-2111 ext. 4103
Nurse's Office Information
Nurse's Guidelines
Your cooperation in helping us provide a safe and healthy school environment for your child is needed and appreciated. If your child manifests any of the following symptoms, please do not send him/her to school.
- Influenza: Children who have a combination of any flu like symptoms should be kept home 24 hours without any anti-fever medicine. These symptoms include fever, cough (deep croupy cough), sore throat, runny/stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue, diarrhea and/or vomiting.
- Fever: Temperature of over 100 degrees may be an indication of illness and the child will be sent home. Children who have fevers upon awakening in the morning or who may have had a fever during the night should not be sent to school. Children should be fever free for at least 24 hours without Tylenol, Advil or any other anti-fever medicine before being sent back to school. If sent home from school with fever, the 24-hour rule applies.
- Diarrhea: Children are not to come to school if they have diarrhea. The child's physician should be consulted if diarrhea persists. Should diarrhea occur in school, the parent will be notified and requested to pick up their child from school. The child should remain home until there are no further episodes of diarrhea for 24 hours.
- Vomiting: Children are not to come to school if they are experiencing vomiting. Whenever a child has the combination of vomiting and diarrhea, a physician should be consulted. The child should remain home for 24 hours without diarrhea or vomiting before retuning to school.
- Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): Sometimes whites of the eyes are red, eyelids are red and irritated, and sometimes the lids and lashes are crusted. This is a common, contagious condition that clears up easily with medication for 24 hours. Students can return to school if eyes have no redness or drainage.
- Rash/Skin Lesions: If suspicious rash or lesion is present the child is to be excluded from school until a physician's note allows the student to return or rash/lesion disappears or heals.
- Impetigo: Sores, some with crusts or scabs usually on the face around the nose and mouth. The contagious condition requires medication. The child must be cleared by a physician and will require a doctor's note upon return to school.
- Lice: In the event the child has head lice, he/she will not be allowed back to school until examined by the school nurse.
- Ringworm: Ringworm of the scalp and/or body requires treatment by a physician and requires a doctor's note stating the child is under treatment and may return to school.
- Ear/Nose (Purulent) Drainage: If the discharge is thick, yellow, green, excessive or uncontrollable the child should remain home. The child will be readmitted to school after receiving clearance from the doctor.
- Streptococcal Infection: Caused by Group A-Beta Hemolytic-incubation period 1-3 days and communicability 10-21 days (untreated). Child can return to school after a minimum of 24 hours antibiotic therapy and physician's note.
Student Health Information
New students, and incoming kindergarten students: What is required to start school?
- Immunization record – including:
- Varicella (Chicken Pox) after first birthday
- TDap and Polio Boosters (or 4th dose after 4th Bday)
- Immunizations must be on file in order to start Kindergarten
- Physical Exam - completed after July 1, 2021
Kindergarten Students
As you know, kindergartners occasionally have bathroom accidents. In order to maintain a healthy and safe learning environment, please send in a change of clothes to remain in the classroom. Please include pants, underwear, and socks in a clear plastic bag, labeled with your child’s name. In addition, please review proper bathroom hygiene procedures with your child at home.
Medication Policy
- Medication form with physician signature and parental/guardian consent
- Original container with pharmacy label
- Parent/Guardian must drop off medication. Children are not allowed to deliver medications.
- Cough drops need a note from parent, each year.
Communicable Diseases
A doctor’s note is required when your child has been absent with such illnesses as strep throat, scarlet fever or questionable rashes.
Sick Day Guidelines
- Fever over 100.4 degrees
- Undiagnosed rash
- Vomiting/diarrhea
- Red, watery eye with yellow discharge
- Symptoms that prevent them from participating in school, i.e. uncontrollable nasal discharge, excessive coughing or fatigue, sore throat.
- Please keep your child home for 24 hours after vomiting or diarrhea has stopped.
- Student’s should be fever free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medication before returning to school.
Orthopedic Injuries
If your child comes in with an ace bandage, cast, brace, splint, sling, stitches, butterfly stitches or glue, please send in a Doctor’s note that states student has the above accommodation, as well as clearance to be in school. Physical activity restriction parameters with timeframe should be included.
- A crutch order is necessary from your Doctor.
- A Doctor’s note is needed to be excused from Physical Education Class
Food Allergies Can Be Life-Threatening
- Only non-food items, such as pencils, erasers and stickers, may be sent to school to celebrate a student’s birthday.
- Please avoid sending in products that may contain nut products.